Uncontested Divorce Attorney in Williamsburg, VA

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The first step is a discussion with our team about your vision for your future.

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It's never easy to take steps to end your marriage, and if you're in the process of divorce, there are several aspects to consider. Alimony, child support, child custody, or the sale and distribution of your property are all things you might need to address as you go forward with your divorce. These decisions can seem overwhelming, especially if you're grieving a relationship that's run its course.

If you and your spouse are mutually agreeing to end your marriage and you're confident in your ability to resolve any issues amicably, our experienced attorneys are here to help you with your uncontested divorce.

Let Our Reputation Speak for Itself

For the past decade, we've gained the trust of our community by helping clients navigate the sometimes challenging divorce process. When our clients reach out to us, we evaluate the circumstances around their case and develop a personalized plan to serve them best. As a result, in all the years we've served Williamsburg, we've successfully assisted a number of people with their divorce.

What You Can Expect From Us

Even if you and your spouse are mutually ending your marriage with little animosity, taking the initial steps can be scary. At Pedersen Law, your divorce process will begin by scheduling an initial meeting where we'll evaluate your case and pick a course of action. The first consultation will involve laying out the critical aspects of the divorce, at which point our lawyers will then prepare a plan before we begin the filing process. Our divorce lawyers are ready to help you outline your terms of the divorce and support your best interests.

Why Should You Hire an Uncontested Divorce Attorney?

  • We Listen: We understand that you might be in a difficult emotional state, so we are ready to listen to your concerns. While we can't change that you're going through a divorce, we can make things as pain-free as possible. 
  • Personalized Approach: After listening to your concerns, we'll create a plan that works for your goals and objectives. Whether you want us to help modify your divorce agreement, petition for child custody, or our assistance in distributing your marital property, we'll ensure that the route we take suits you.

Schedule A Case Evaluation

At Pedersen Law, we're devoted to helping you achieve the comfort you deserve to navigate the divorce process. Contact us online or call us at (757) 903-4410 to schedule a consultation with Pedersen Law to speak to our experienced Williamsburg Divorce lawyers today.